Saturday, November 24, 2012

weeks 10 & 11: it's not you, it's me

I know I've been horrible at updating.  I'd like to use the excuse that I have been so super busy that I haven't had time, but the truth is I do have the time, I'm just a slacker ;)

Let's just go straight to the good stuff, shall we?

Week 10

Start weight: 190.7lbs
Goal weight: 155lbs
Last week's weigh in: 172.8lbs
Saturday's weigh in: 170lbs (weighed in a day late... again)
Pounds to goal weight: 15lbs

Week 11
The day after Thanksgiving?  Ha, I think not.  I'm still relishing in the fact that I have hit the 20lb mark.  Yes, that's 20lbs!!!  (<-- that totally deserved 3 exclamation points)

So I must say, I am so happy to reach this 20lb mark.  It really makes me realize that I am doing something right.  I love being able to fit into my old clothes.  20lbs ago, I struggled almost every day figuring out what I could wear because nothing fit.  I decided that rather than investing my time and money into buying new clothes, I'd invest my time and money into making a healthier me.

So here I am, 15lbs to my goal, entering one of the hardest seasons for eating healthy.  While I am not going to take a break from trying to be as healthy as I can be, I am going to be taking a break from blogging about my weight loss.  I'm sure I'll pop in from time to time to say hi to the 3 people who read this (yay, I gained a fan!), but right now I'm going to relieve myself of the stress of having to post my weight for the world to see for the next month or so.  I promise I won't just give up and binge on fudge and sugar cookies all season long.  I'm actually enjoying this healthier eating - I love the way it makes me feel and I LOVE wearing my old clothes again.  It's just a little break.  It's not you, it's me.  I'll be back soon, I promise.

With that, I hope you all are enjoying a wonderful holiday season!

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