Wednesday, May 30, 2012

happy birthday, mom

Today is a beautiful day - it's my mom's birthday!

I have been so blessed to have such a wonderful mom growing up.  She really has had such a huge impact on my life.  I would not be the daughter, sister, mother, wife or friend that I am today without her influence.  She has been with me through highs and lows, the good and the bad.  She has held me as I sobbed, has encouraged me through my achievements and has showed me what it means to be a mom.

Even my earliest memories are centered around her love and selflessness.  When I was only 2 years old, I got extremely sick with a stomach bug.  I ended up in the hospital because I was so dehydrated.  I honestly don't remember a whole lot - and much of what I do know has been told to me.  But  few things do stick out.  I remember the hospital trying to make me eat some sort of broth, and me refusing... and then quickly learning by refusing the broth, I would eventually get jello or popsicles.  I remember my arm being bandaged and telling people I broke my arm... but in reality it was bandaged so I wouldn't mess with the IV that was supplying me with fluids.  I also remember my room.  It had rainbows and Care Bears painted on the walls.  It also had a second bed right next to mine, on the left.  I also remember my mom, lying next to me in that bed.  I remember my mom, trying to get me to eat my broth.  I remember my mom being by my side always.  I remember feeling safe, loved and comforted because my mom was there.

Fast forward 11 years.  Many of my family and friends remember when I broke my arms in 8th grade.  Side note - if you are a super shy and awkward jr high girl who hates being the center or attention - DON'T break both of your arms.  Ok, moving on.  I was playing with some neighborhood kids and to make a long story short, I fell out of a tree, landed head first on cement, but by the grace of God, broke my arms instead of my neck.  My dad ended up taking me to the hospital.  My mom was out running errands, and since this was pre-cell phones, no one was able to get a hold of her.  My dad drove me to the hospital in record time.  We entered the emergency room and they brought me back right away (turns out a screaming girl with obviously broken arms gets fast service).  They ask me a million questions, take x-rays, ask a million more questions, but the entire time I kept asking for one thing: get me my mom.  Just as when I was 2 years old, I needed the safety, love and comfort of my mom.  My dad is strong and definitely the guy you want helping you out in an emergency, and I am so thankful he was home to get me to the hospital so fast, but I needed my mama.  As soon as she found out what had happened, she was in the ER with me.  My last memory of the ER is of me being wheeled in the OR and my mom by my side.  My next memory was of me waking up in rainbow-free, boring room.  I was confused, scared and felt sick.  I looked over to my left, and there was a second bed, with my mom laying in it.  Immediately I felt safe, loved and comforted.  And then she held my hair for me, as I vomited in the toilet.

I have so many more memories that I could share about my mom (and they don't all involve me being in the hospital).  Just about every significant moment in my life involves my mom in some way.  Now, as an adult and a mother myself, I get to enjoy seeing her flourish as a grandma.  My kids absolutely adore her.  Just yesterday, Jake was begging me to see "Nonnie".  I told him that we would see her tomorrow and have lunch with her for her birthday.  He replied with, "But... I want to see Nonnie today!"  When I ignored his plea, he began talking to himself, loud enough for me to hear, saying, "I'd sure like to see Nonnie..." (this kid cracks me up!)  so, I called my mom and asked if we could visit her on her lunch break, and of course, she was thrilled to spend some time with us.  She loves her family... and her family loves her.

So, dear mom, I hope you feel blessed, loved and valued today.  It's a glorious day - the day you were brought into this world by another amazing woman (who I could go on and on about as well).  You are beautiful, loving and one of my best friends.  I hope you know how much I love you.  If one day my son and daughter have as much respect, love and admiration for me as I have for you, I will know I have succeeded as a mother.  Happy Birthday, mom.

Your Daughter

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