Thursday, May 24, 2012

i want jesus

Ever had one of those parent moments when you feel like, "Wow... maybe I'm doing something right?

That just happened.

At night , often times Jake will snuggle up in our bed and watch cartoons before he goes into his bed, but often times will fall asleep in our bed.  Well, tonight was one of those nights... except he didn't go to sleep.  I mistakenly thought he was asleep... until he came waltzing down the stairs at 11:15pm announcing he had to go potty.  I was not feeling to great about my parenting skills seeing as my 2 year old was up so late, so I hurried him back upstairs, exclaiming "What are you still doing up?!?" and tried my best not to sound thoroughly annoyed.  He went potty, tried to convince me to go back into our bed to watch Mickey Mouse, then we eventually wandered back to his room.  I tucked him in, told him I loved him, kissed him on the forehead like I always do, and he said to me,

"Mama... I want Desus."

So sweet, so innocent.  Normally he says, "Mama, I pray?"  but tonight was different.  Mama... I want Jesus.

So I said, "Ok, let's pray."  We prayed, like we have done so many times, thanking Jesus for our day, for the fun we had, and prayed for our family and friends.

When we were done, Jacob asked, "Mama... where IS Desus?"  He then pointed at his bookshelf that houses a picture of Jesus walking with children and said, "Desus is over dare".

I said, "Yes, that is a picture of Jesus.  But Jesus is always with us.  Wherever we go, Jesus is with us." 

He said, "Oh", trying to understand as best a 2 year old can.

I asked him, "Do you love Jesus?" 

He smiled, "Yes". 

I then said, "Do you want to tell Him you love Him?" 


"Then say it... 'I love you, Jesus!'"

So he grinned and said, "I wuv you, Desus!"

I then asked him if he wanted Jesus in his heart always, and he again enthusiastically exclaimed, "Yeah!"  So I gave him a short, simple prayer: "Jesus, be in my heart always."

So he smiled again, clasped his chubby little hands under his chin, and said, "Desus, be in my ha-wert... ALLLLLWAAAAAYS!" and threw his arms out wide.


It's moments like this that I've been praying for.  Moments like this that I have been looking forward to as a parent.  Moments like this that make my heart melt.  I know that Jake's journey of faith is going to be a long and personal one.  I  can say and do everything possible to point him in the right direction, but ultimately, it's his decision.  I'm hopeful that tonight is a small glimpse into what is ahead for him in his life.  That one day he will be able to remember that moment with mama where he said "Jesus, be in my heart always".  That a seed has been planted and will continue to grow.  As of now, I'll continue to pray and cherish moments like this.

I love this kid.

~ Mama Frenchy


  1. That is so sweet! It brought tears to my eyes! You're definitely doing things right!!
