Friday, September 21, 2012

week 2: nachos, pizza, burritos, oh my!

As you can see by my title... this week wasn't the healthiest of weeks for me as far as food choices.  I found myself out a lot with little healthy choices OR catering to my husbands cravings rather than listening to my healthy little shoulder angel.  And... let's face it.  I like junk food.  Obviously.  Otherwise I wouldn't be in this situation.  Luckily, though, even though I ate a few crappy meals, I was still able to stay under my points for the week.  But I did learn some valuable insights into my journey to better health:

1) Crappy food, even when eaten in moderation and within my "points", makes me feel crappy and leaves me hungry.  I've also noticed it's much saltier than I remember it being.  AND... it makes my stomach all bloated.  So seeing how much even small amounts of crappy food affects me is making it easier to say no.  Like last night.  When my husband yet again ordered pizza (I swear he is out to sabotage me... ok, not really, but he obviously isn't on board with the whole "healthy eating" thing).

2) I like to eat at night.  Like, a lot.  It has become a habit.  Get the kids to bed, sit down, watch Big Bang Theory, mindlessly eat snacks.  And I LOVE doing this.  About halfway through my week I suddenly realized how much of a habit this is for me and how badly I need to work on it.  So next week's goal: Eat more through out the day and not at night.  No more food past 8pm (I now that's still a little late, but baby steps here, people).

3) I need to go to the grocery store more.  Between myself and the kids, we go through fruits and veggies much faster than I realized.  And when those get low, I find myself scrounging around for something satisfying but not a ton of points.  And I'm sorry, but 10 wheat thins is just not satisfying. So more frequent trips to the store is a must if I want to keep healthy options around the house.

Alright, let's get down to the good stuff.  Did I lose weight?  Like I said... I didn't do great this week as far as making healthy choices, but I did stay under my points.  So here are my results:

Start weight: 190.7lbs
Goal weight: 155lbs
Last week's weigh in: 185lbs
Today's weigh in: 183lbs
Total weight loss: 7lbs
Pounds to goal weight: 28lbs

2lbs!  Yes!  My goal keeps getting closer and closer.  I've even noticed that my clothes are starting to fit a little better... and I don't whine to my husband that I have nothing to wear because I'm too big for everything ;)  Thanks to everyone who have been encouraging me in this!  It means a lot.  I still freak out a little every time someone mentions the fact that I'm posting my weight on the internet.  This is NOT an easy thing for me.  I don't even like to tell my husband how much I weigh.  But as I have said, I am hoping that by laying it all out there for everyone to see, I will be even more motivated to get healthier.

Ok... off to snack on some fruit.  Happy Friday, everyone!

~Mama Frenchy

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job! Nighttime eating is a struggle for me as well. For me it is just a matter of when I can actually have a chance to sit down to eat. But by then I am starving and I am eating while watching tv. Bad bad habit! Glad to know I am not alone! Keep up the good work! And you'll have to share with us some recipes you like using that kale! ;)
