Friday, September 14, 2012

week one: the battle has begun

Well, I realize a few people actually read my blog and want to know what week 1's results are. I wasn't planning on writing a blog tonight because I'm tired and already in bed, listening to the snores of my husband. BUT... Then I started feeling guilty that there were 2 fans out there anxiously awaiting my weigh in results. So I figured, "Well... I could write a quick blog from my phone..." So here I am. Blogging. In bed. On an iPhone.

Before I give my update, I'll give a little insight to my first week of Weight Watchers. I found myself really thinking about what I ate. I never realized how much I snacked during the day - and not healthy snacking either. I also never realized how much I snacked off my kids snacks! Like, if they didn't finish something, I'd finish it off OR... I'd intentionally make too much of something so I could eat some too. So for this week, I thought about everything that was going into my mouth, switched out the crackers and chips for some yummy fruit and avoided drinking empty calories as much as possible (something else I was always guilty of). I felt good all week - I never starved myself and always felt satisfied. I also contribute my healthier eating habits to not catching whatever dreadful cold my husband had for 3 days. I felt good about my choices and good about myself. I knew I wasn't eating crap, so I didn't feel like crap (funny how that works, huh?).  I also never felt deprived myself or felt like I was dieting. And having the WW app on my phone makes tracking points much easier and less of a hassle than I was expecting. 

Ok, on to some numbers. I've already embarrassed myself once with my horrifying start weight... So why not just keep it up, right? ;)

Start weight: 190.7lbs (I think... I'll have to look at the first post... I know it was 190.something...)
Goal weight: 155lbs
Today's weigh in: 185lbs
Total weight loss: 5lbs
Pounds to goal weight: 30lbs

Ok, before anyone politely tells me that safest way to lose weight is 1-2lbs a week; trust me, I know this. Also be reassured that I did not starve myself in the least bit. I attribute 5lbs in one week to a couple things:
1) I tend to fluctuate +/- 5lbs VERY easily. It's not hard for me to lose the first 5lbs. 
2) I was on the end of a visit from a rather annoying Aunt (wink wink) and I always gain weight when she is in town, so that also could have played a role in why I lost so much in just 1 week. 

Everyone can rest assured I am not set out to lose this weight as fast as possible. It's not so much about the number as it is about my over all health and how I feel. So far I feel great. If I begin to feel otherwise, I will definitely reevaluate how I'm doing things.

Well, as I said, I'm in bed and tired. So I shall bid you all farewell and goodnight. Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me in my quest to feel healthy again!

~ Mama Frenchy 
(I tried to preview this before I posted it but my preview page looked totally bonkers, then when I tried to reload it, it wouln'td reload. So fingers crossed this turned out fine, otherwise I'll fix it in the morning from my laptop)

1 comment:

  1. Actually it is fine to lose that much in the first week. You can actually lose that much in the first couple of weeks. But then as your body adjusts to a new life change you should be losing at a slower pace in order for it to be healthy weight loss and for it to stay off. Anyway, you probably already know that. Just thought I would encourage you in it. :) Good job! And thanks for being candid. I NEVER would have guessed you weighed that much looking at your pictures. I totally understand the whole snacking thing. I do so much better now that I have to measure my kids meals but it is easy to be tempted to grab a handful here and there of things that we don't want or need simply because they are there. Keep up the good work! You are doing wonderfully and even if it takes a long time to get to your goal, remember that you are doing this for your long term health. :)
