Saturday, October 27, 2012

week 7: my week of struggles

This week was a rough week, as I blogged about earlier.  I had a big cheater day, and the other days weren't that much better.  Part of my issue was that I had not been to the grocery store yet and was very low on fresh fruits and veggies.  The other issue... was a womanly one.  The kind that tells my brain "Eat chocolate.  Lots and lots of chocolate."  And the only way to shut it up is to eat the dang chocolate.

But... I made a Costco run and stocked up on fruits and veggies, the trick-or-treaters will be taking away the candy soon and this week is a new week.  I can start over and make better choices.  Tomorrow.  Because tonight I might have most definitely did dip back into the Halloween candy.  Shhhhh... if you don't tell, I won't tell.  My thighs might try to say something though.

Ok, onto my weigh in.  Like I said, rough week but not totally devastating.  Here we go:

Start weight: 190.7lbs (<-- never going back here!)
Goal weight: 155lbs
Last week's weigh in: 174.4lbs
Friday's weigh in: 174lbs
Pounds to goal weight: 19lbs

So not a huge loss, but a loss none the less!  On to this next week!

Sorry for keeping everyone waiting!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

cheater, cheater, junk food eater

I cheated big time last night.

Big time.

It was dinner time, and I was out an about with my kids.  I called my husband to let him know I was coming home.  He said, "Hey, do you just want to make life easier and pick something up for us?"

Ok, I knew in my head that I had about 8 points left for the day.  There isn't much you can get at a fast food place that is satisfying and only 8 points.  I told him maybe I'd grab something for him and the kids, but not for me (see, I started out with good intentions!)  He decided on Taco Bell, so I headed over there.  As I was in the drive through, I noticed their new cantina bowls.  They looked healthy, AND there was a veggie option, so I ordered that for myself.  Once I got home and actually began eating it, I quickly realized 2 things: 1) "veggie" just means they leave off the meat... there are no actually veggies on it other than the corn salsa and pico de gallo, and 2) that this item was definitely not as healthy as the picture lead me to believe.  Note to self: just because something has lettuce does not mean it will be healthy.

But of course, I ate it anyway.  All of it.  It was pretty tasty...

And then I ate my daughter's cheese roll up.  Because she wouldn't eat it.

And then I ate the extra cheese roll up that I thought my son would like but didn't touch.

Oh, and did I mention I stole my husband's nacho cheese sauce and dipped both cheese roll ups in it?  Yeah, that happened.

Right now you're probably saying, "Well... that's not TOO bad.  Everyone can cheat a little every once in a while.  Don't be so hard on yourself."

You're too kind, but unfortunately it doesn't stop there.  An hour later I started craving something sweet.  The Halloween candy that I bought Monday night was calling to me.  Normally, I try to buy stuff I don't like. And I mostly did this time... but there was a bag of fun size Milky Way bars just calling my name.  I mean, come on, they're FUN size.  Fun.  I love fun.  And chocolate.  So I took a handful.  And then another handful... and another.  And quite possibly another.

Oh, and the best part?  I definitely didn't track any of this.

This is an all time low for me in my journey to being healthier, which is why I am writing about it right now.  I'm not perfect.  I'm trying to do my best, but as someone much greater than I once said, "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."  I've decided not to dwell on this.  I'm moving past this, and I will do better the rest of this week.

PHEW... so good to get that all off my chest.  I guess we'll see what Friday has in store for me soon!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

week 6: a day late

Forgive me for being a day late.  I was in San Diego Thursday night and Friday morning so I weighed on this morning rather than Friday morning.

This past week I was CERTAIN I gained.  In fact, I even cheated and weighed myself on Tuesday and I was almost 1lb heavier.  So I tried to be good, but I found myself hitting my points every day and usually spilling over into my weekly points.  I ended up using every single on of my weekly allowance points, actually!  After Tuesday, though, I was better about making healthier choices.  So towards the end of my week, even though I was going over my daily limit, I was doing it with better food choices.  I guess I was just extra hungry this week.

I was actually really nervous about weighing myself this morning.  Last night I had pizza and cookies, lol.  I know, I know, not the healthiest of choices.  It's not something I do often now.  So this morning, before I stepped on the scale, I had already mentally prepped myself with the "Everyone has ups and downs... this is only a little speed bump in my road to weight loss" speech.  I stepped on the scale, and here are my results:

Start weight: 190.7lbs
Goal weightL 155lbs
Last week's weigh in: 177.2
Today's weigh in: 174.4
Total weight loss: 16.3
Pounds to goal weight: 19.4lbs

I lost, and much more than I could have anticipated!  This has motivated me to try even harder this week.  I've also decided that once I hit 20lbs lost, I'm gong to treat myself to something special.  Maybe a hair cut or a new pair of jeans.  I haven't decided yet, but that's my motivation to stay on a good path.  Well, that and the fact that I'm actually losing weight.

I'd love to hear if I have motivated anyone to make healthier decisions!  Please feel free to leave me a comment or message me on Facebook!  Hearing that I have inspired someone give me even extra motivation to keep going.  Also, please share your tips and tricks to healthier eating.  I'd love to hear them!  Thanks again for all your support!

~Mama Frenchy

Saturday, October 13, 2012

week 5: always on the go

As my title states, I was on the go a lot this week.  I felt like I had 10 errands to run every day.  My poor kids were dragged all around town.  At one point on Thursday, my son asked, "Can I go to my home now?"  He he... poor kid!

I've also had a few occasions where I ate out as well.  In the past I have always used eating out as an excuse to eat whatever I want.  Hey, we're out, this is special, so who cares if my entree is nearly all the calories 1 person needs in a day, right?  Wrong.  Well, most of the time that's wrong.  I don't think a person needs to deprive themselves all the time, especially if it really is a special occasion, but learning how to eat healthy even when you're out is so important when you're trying to change your health habits.  So I swapped out fries for fruit, drank water instead of lemonade and traded my usual burger buns for lettuce.  My food still tastes great, it's still filling and I don't walk away with regret.  Yay for healthy choices!

While I have been doing better in some areas, there are still areas I need to work on, namely my night eating and my lack of exercise.  I can't seem to break this habit of eating at night... my snack choices are changing, but the snacking still continues.  Perhaps I should just go to bed early... more sleep for me and no opportunity to snack (says the girl who is up writing her blog at 1am).  And yes, exercise.  I need to find something that works for me and my crazy schedule...

Ok, baby girl is crying, so lets get to the good stuff:

Start weight: 190.7lbs
Goal weight: 155lbs
Last week's weigh in: 178.2lbs
Today's (well, Friday's) weigh in: 177.2
Total weight loss: 13.5lbs
Pounds to goal weight: 22.2lbs

I lost a pound and I'll take it!  Ok, off to try to get little girl back to bed!!  Good night!

Friday, October 5, 2012

week 4: it's been a long week

Well, this week was a long week.  From locking my kids in the car, to getting an average of 3 hours of sleep a night due to a teething baby, and then attending my Grandma's wake and funeral, I am EXHAUSTED!

With that, I'm keeping this week's post short and sweet.  Here are this weeks results:

Start weight: 190.7lbs
Goal weight: 155lbs
Last week's weigh in: 179.4lbs
Today's weigh in: 178.2lbs
Total weight loss: 12.5lbs
Pounds to goal weight: 23.2lbs

Yay!  Another success!  1.2lbs... although I think I gained it all back and then some after the day I had today!  Italians know how to feed a crowd ;)  Guess I'm going to have to be extra good this week to make up for it.  I'm actually not that worried.  I've been doing so well and I know this week is going to be great.

Here is a quick picture I snapped of myself today at my Uncle's house during the reception after my Grandma's service.  I fit in my old skirt!  Yay!

Thanks again for all your support!

~Mama Frenchy