Saturday, October 13, 2012

week 5: always on the go

As my title states, I was on the go a lot this week.  I felt like I had 10 errands to run every day.  My poor kids were dragged all around town.  At one point on Thursday, my son asked, "Can I go to my home now?"  He he... poor kid!

I've also had a few occasions where I ate out as well.  In the past I have always used eating out as an excuse to eat whatever I want.  Hey, we're out, this is special, so who cares if my entree is nearly all the calories 1 person needs in a day, right?  Wrong.  Well, most of the time that's wrong.  I don't think a person needs to deprive themselves all the time, especially if it really is a special occasion, but learning how to eat healthy even when you're out is so important when you're trying to change your health habits.  So I swapped out fries for fruit, drank water instead of lemonade and traded my usual burger buns for lettuce.  My food still tastes great, it's still filling and I don't walk away with regret.  Yay for healthy choices!

While I have been doing better in some areas, there are still areas I need to work on, namely my night eating and my lack of exercise.  I can't seem to break this habit of eating at night... my snack choices are changing, but the snacking still continues.  Perhaps I should just go to bed early... more sleep for me and no opportunity to snack (says the girl who is up writing her blog at 1am).  And yes, exercise.  I need to find something that works for me and my crazy schedule...

Ok, baby girl is crying, so lets get to the good stuff:

Start weight: 190.7lbs
Goal weight: 155lbs
Last week's weigh in: 178.2lbs
Today's (well, Friday's) weigh in: 177.2
Total weight loss: 13.5lbs
Pounds to goal weight: 22.2lbs

I lost a pound and I'll take it!  Ok, off to try to get little girl back to bed!!  Good night!

1 comment:

  1. To be honest, I've been seeing you post these and haven't had the time to read them. It's great that you are working towards getting healthy. We've been doing that since hubby left. I don't have a goal weight or anything, but overall family healthy eating is a huge thing for all of us. The kids have even started trying more veggies! -Rainshadow Noba
