Saturday, October 20, 2012

week 6: a day late

Forgive me for being a day late.  I was in San Diego Thursday night and Friday morning so I weighed on this morning rather than Friday morning.

This past week I was CERTAIN I gained.  In fact, I even cheated and weighed myself on Tuesday and I was almost 1lb heavier.  So I tried to be good, but I found myself hitting my points every day and usually spilling over into my weekly points.  I ended up using every single on of my weekly allowance points, actually!  After Tuesday, though, I was better about making healthier choices.  So towards the end of my week, even though I was going over my daily limit, I was doing it with better food choices.  I guess I was just extra hungry this week.

I was actually really nervous about weighing myself this morning.  Last night I had pizza and cookies, lol.  I know, I know, not the healthiest of choices.  It's not something I do often now.  So this morning, before I stepped on the scale, I had already mentally prepped myself with the "Everyone has ups and downs... this is only a little speed bump in my road to weight loss" speech.  I stepped on the scale, and here are my results:

Start weight: 190.7lbs
Goal weightL 155lbs
Last week's weigh in: 177.2
Today's weigh in: 174.4
Total weight loss: 16.3
Pounds to goal weight: 19.4lbs

I lost, and much more than I could have anticipated!  This has motivated me to try even harder this week.  I've also decided that once I hit 20lbs lost, I'm gong to treat myself to something special.  Maybe a hair cut or a new pair of jeans.  I haven't decided yet, but that's my motivation to stay on a good path.  Well, that and the fact that I'm actually losing weight.

I'd love to hear if I have motivated anyone to make healthier decisions!  Please feel free to leave me a comment or message me on Facebook!  Hearing that I have inspired someone give me even extra motivation to keep going.  Also, please share your tips and tricks to healthier eating.  I'd love to hear them!  Thanks again for all your support!

~Mama Frenchy

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